The BANI model and IT projects 

The BANI model and IT projects 

In the world of IT projects, which is characterized by unpredictability and complexity, the BANI model offers a new perspective that goes beyond the VUCA model. The BANI model first appeared in 2020 in an article by Jamais Cascio. Is it a...
VUCA and our complex project world

VUCA and our complex project world

Do we need new models to describe complexity? The VUCA model has been with us for over 20 years. After its creation, the model first spread in a military context. It was then adopted across the board in the...
Why projects fail

Why projects fail

Times of change The market environment is becoming increasingly dynamic and production and development cycles are becoming shorter. Many organisations feel the pressure to change. Often the cause lies in the structure of the organisation, entrenched...